Ertec – Top Guard Drain Inlet Protection

Top Guard™ installs above ground / Balances Flow & Control

slot guard - Triumph Geo Synthetics

Slot Guard

Slot Guard is a patent pending, low cost system designed to keep sediment and debris out of slot drain or trench drain inlets in paved areas. Slot Guard is a better alternative to installing gravel bags on open slots during construction. The berm layer forces water to rise to at least one inch before reaching the filter, causing heavier particles to settle. The system filters storm water above the ground easing visual inspection and maintenance. The inlet protection system has a high flow bypass designed to reduce the chance of back ups. It is easy to fasten to the grate with zip ties, has a long life, is resistant to traffic, is fast and easy to remove, and is reusable.

curb inlet guard - Triumph Geo Synthetics

Curb Inlet Guard

Curb Inlet Guard is a patented, low cost system which reduces sedimentation into curb inlets. The integrated filter has a vertical height of 2 inches to allow water to bypass during high flow events. The units are made from durable and recyclable HDPE with built-in brackets to keep them from collapsing into the storm drain. Curb Inlet Guard modules can be overlapped as needed to fit all size openings for max protection. The system is easy to install, easy to clean, has a long life and can be reused. Hydrocarbon absorption option: Curb Inlet Guard can be fitted with an oil absorption jacket for projects with new asphalt applications.

Drop Guard - Triumph Geo Synthetics

Drop Guard

Drop Guard is a patented, high performing, low cost and environmentally sustainable approach to reduce sedimentation into unpaved or soft-scape drop inlets. Drop Guard allows water flow-through but reduces velocity while filtering particles. One size fits all. Manufactured in 7 foot panels, it is trenched to a depth of 4 inches and wrapped around drain inlets and held together with wood stakes. Two heights are available (12″ and 15″). The filter is designed for concentrated flows. It is self-cleaning after post-storm sediment build-up is removed. The system is a ZERO waste solution, made from recycled, reusable and recyclable HDPE.
GR8 Guard - inlet protection - Triumph Geo Synthetics

GR8 Guard

GR8 Guard is a patent pending, low cost system designed to reduce sediment flow into grated storm drain inlets in paved areas. The integrated filter is designed for high flows. The outer berm allows water to rise to nearly I.5 inches before reaching the filter – causing heavier particles to settle. The system filters storm water above the ground easing visual inspection and maintenance. The system is easy to install, has a long life, is resistant to traffic, and reusable. During installation or cleaning, the grate does not need to be removed, speeding installation and reducing installer injuries.